Pere Ribosa Dellà i Joan Ribosa Mercader
Camí de Santa Elena, 28
Cabrera de Mar
Information about Operator: We work in an environment of 6 acres where we cultivate a variety of garden products (different kinds of vegetables), as ‘ganxet’ beans, the artichokes, the ‘Calçot’ onions and the peas, respecting the environment and producing quality products. Our goal is to offer the consumer good and healthy products. In addition, we are co-owners of the restaurant ‘Cals Frares’, where we serve our products directly from the garden, in a privileged area of Cabrera de Mar. We are part of the Cooperative Agricultural Cabrera of the Lower ADV Maresme and ADF Burriac.
Products of own production:
  • Products of garden
  • ‘Ganxet’ beans
  • Artichokes
  • ‘Calçot’ Onions
  • Beans
Marketing and other outlets: We direct sales of our products throughout the year in the Market Mataró Square Cuba by Saturday morning. You can also find us on iberorroman’s Cabrera de Mar Fair too, on Easter Granada. In addition, our restaurant Cals Frares, on the road to Santa Elena, 28, from Cabrera de Mar, you can enjoy our products harvested directly from our farm.